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About Asad Bokhari

As a production assistant for The Daily Show, I am granted the privelage of working with veterans of the industry who provide me with intangible knowledge and invaluable experiences. I have grown tremendously during my time at The Daily Show under the watchful eye of great producers. But all this growth didn't happen overnight. It started in my childhood when I created my first film, Dhoom 2, a recreation of a popular Bollywood film made by a bunch of 8-10 year olds. Fortunately, that movie is hidden in the depths of the internet. BUT, that is when my love for the art of filmmaking began. Throughout the years, I kept making silly videos. Each time, knowing I could do better than the last.
In my freshman year of college, I started taking it a lot more seriously. I majored in Media Studies and Production at Temple University. There, I volunteered primarily for the campus TV show. I worked my way up the ranks of two student led shows, Temple Update (live news broadcast) and Temple Tonight (Late night comedy talk show). I became the supervising producer of Temple Update and Director of Temple Tonight. Earning a number of awards during this journey and surprising myself on what I was capable of. The way I see it, the awards are a byproduct of the skills I had been accumulating during this time.
Out of college, I worked as a video editor at Maestro Filmworks, an Asian owned production company that had taken me under their wing and accelerated my growth. Many of the projects included on this website are Maestro projects. While there, I regularly edited segments for FTW Philly, a tv show broadcast on NBC Philadelphia covering stories surrounding the booming e-sports industry. Along with the show, I also worked on side projects including narratives and commercial work. Alongside my editing job, I also taught as a lab instructor at Temple. I found this to be an incredibly fulfilling experience as I got to teach students who were not much younger than me how to be media makers. The classes I taught were "Intro to media production," "Advanced Editing," and "Temple Update: A news production practicum."
All of this work had made me ripe for a job at The Daily Show. I jumped on the opportunity and have been growing a lot in the process. I continue to make videos on the side as I continue to hone my skills and develop my style. If you are interested in working with me, please email me at
Awards & Accolades

Published in The New York Times - March 23, 2023

Mid Atlantic Emmy Awards
2020 Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award - Best Studio Production
2019 Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award - Best Studio Production
2018 Mid-Atlantic Emmy Award - Best Studio Production
My Role:
Producer (2018)
Supervising Producer (2019, 2020)
BEA Award
2019 BEA Award - Best Television Newscast
My Role:
Supervising Producer

Film Festivals
2019 Philadelphia Playhouse West Film Festival Selection - Room 404
2019 Los Angeles Lift Off Film Festival Online Selection -
Room 404
My Role:
Director of Photography, Producer, Writer, Editor
CBI Award
2018 CBI Award - Best Studio Production
My Role:

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